Thursday, 19 June 2014 14:45

Can Curry Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

More than just a spice, compounds in curry provide protection against Alzheimer's disease.
India has a significantly lower rate of Alzheimer's disease compared to the United States and to the rest of the world.

In fact, Indians aged 70 to 79 years are four times less likely to have Alzheimer's disease than Americans.

The reason for this difference is unknown; but the Indian diet may very well have something to do with it.

A few years back, a study actually found that Asians who occasionally ate curry performed better on cognitive tests than those who rarely did.

Curry is a spice prevalent in South Asian cuisine that typically contains coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek and chili peppers.

Curry has many well known health benefits such as easing the swelling in your joints, boosting immunity, easing digestion and helping to burn fat. Given the recent research, curry may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia.

In the study, researchers found curcumin (which is found in curry) had the ability to stop amyloid plaque in your brain. Amyloid plaque build-up can interfere with your brain's cognitive functions and cause your memory to deteriorate over time.

What other information did this study uncover between curry and Alzheimer's?

Dr. Mike shares the latest research between curry and the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1425ht4e.mp3
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Internal Notes: NO GUEST
  • Host: Michael Smith, MD