Wednesday, 08 July 2015 12:33

Gluten-Free Backlash: It's More than Just a Trend

The term "gluten-free" has gone from a little-known way of eating to a worldwide sensation, in not all that much time.
The term "gluten-free" has gone from a little-known way of eating to a worldwide sensation, in not all that much time. 

Unfortunately, it's also followed the path of most fads. When something becomes "trendy," the public consciousness eventually turns on the issue. Now, gluten-free is getting some backlash; worse, it's become a punchline.

That can be hurtful to the people who truly need to follow a gluten-free diet... those who suffer from celiac disease, such as special guest April Peveteaux, or who experience gluten intolerance, like Naturally Savvy host, Andrea Donsky. Both women have been on the gluten-free roller coaster ride, but also have learned many things along the way. 

A positive outcome of growing gluten awareness is that there many more options now than even a year ago, and they are much more accessible. 

Another scientific development is studying the genetic component of celiac. Since not everyone develops symptoms early on (you might not start to develop symptoms until later in life, as April did in her 30s), you now have an opportunity to get a gene test to determine if you are at risk. This allows you to start making changes sooner than later.

Listen in as April shares more about her journey with celiac, as well as the key differences between a strictly gluten-free diet and the Paleo way of eating.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1528ns3d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: April Peveteaux, Author
  • Book Title: The Gluten-Free Cheat Sheet
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @peveteaux
  • Guest Bio: April-PeveteauxApril Peveteaux is the author of Gluten Is My Bitch: Rants, Recipes, & Ridiculousness for the Gluten-Free (Abrams, 2013) and a blog of that same name. Her newest release is The Gluten-Free Cheat Sheet, out in paperback July 7 from Perigee Books. She's a writer and editor living in Los Angeles and trying daily to perfect the gluten-free doughnut. It's exhausting.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH