How can you work towards setting energy boundaries and avoid absorbing the negative energy of others?
First, says Shaman Isabella Stoloff, you have to look within.
If you're distracted by other people's negative energy, you have to turn to yourself and ask why you're attracting that negativity to your life.
Sometimes you can't just remove yourself from the situation (if the negativity comes from a family member), but you CAN become more conscious of it.
Also, learn to re-frame your thoughts and words. Be a leader wherever you exist... your community, office setting, home. Stop gossiping and others will follow suit.
No one is perfect; we all have those moments when we are down on ourselves. But, try to catch yourself in the moments. In the famous words of Maya Angelou, "when you know better, you do better."
Tune in as Stoloff shares more about setting up energy boundaries and how you can stop absorbing the negative energy of those around you.