A recent study conducted by The Harley St. Clinic in London found that women spend 474 days of their lives putting on cosmetics.
However, every day there seems to be a new product or a new routine you should be following. How is it possible to keep up?
Beauty treatments don't need to cost you a chunk of your paycheck. In fact, the core of anti-aging and looking your best starts with a restful night's sleep.
Here are 10 simple beauty treatments you can do.
- Eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
- Avoid sweets, chocolates, juices or sweet drinks, especially at night.
- Be consistent. As much as possible try to get to bed and wake up at the same time daily.
- Avoid stimulants, especially in the evening.
- Avoid becoming overtired.
- Unwind effectively.
- Avoid mental stimulation.
- Turn off electronics in your bedroom.
- Make your bedroom a sleep oasis.
- Silence is golden.
Listen in as co-founders of Reset Yourself, Firouze Zeroual and Michele Periquet, share the best beauty tips you can do with your eyes closed.