Battling Brain Drain

The modern world is taking its toll on your brain health.
Do you feel exhausted, overwhelmed or irritable frequently? You might be suffering from brain drain.

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Brain drain is the result of our modern, stressed lives. We sleep less and work more. The people who are used to dealing with stress are so drained they can’t handle it now. Adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol all tax our brains. Our feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters are running too low.

People who can’t manage worry shrink their prefrontal cortex. You have to get that worry under control.

Reduce Your Worry

  • Self hypnosis, mindfulness, mediation or spending time in nature can lessen your stress.
  • Neurofeedback therapy can help.
  • Probiotics can reduce anxiety.
Listen as Dr. Mike Dow joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss the factors that cause brain drain and how to feel less stressed.
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Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl338.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Mike Dow, PsyD
  • Book Title: Heal Your Drained Brain: Naturally Relieve Anxiety, Combat Insomnia, and Balance Your Brain in Just 14 Days
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @DoctorMikeDow
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Mike DowDr. Mike Dow, PsyD is a highly sought-after psychotherapist and bestselling author of numerous books including the upcoming Heal Your Drained Brain: Naturally Relieve Anxiety, Combat Insomnia, and Balance Your Brain in Just 14 Days. In the book, Dr. Mike explains how brain drain works, and why we’re wired to suffer from it, as well as to provide helpful tools and remedies for getting back on track. In addition, he includes nutritional information and breathing techniques, and easy-to-follow guidance on supplements, self-hypnosis and mindfulness. The short-term effects of brain drain are uncomfortable, but the long-term effects can be life-threatening, including increasing the risk of dying from a heart attack, stroke and cancer. Heal Your Drained Brain offers a 2-week plan designed to help naturally boost brain health.
  • Length (mins): 27:00
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC