Back to School Eye Care

Are your child's eyes ready to go back to school?
School is back in session. Your kids are prepared with supplies and lunches, but are their eyes ready?

Five Tips for Eye Health

  1. Get your child an eye exam.
  2. Instill a hand washing habit to avoid pinkeye.
  3. Invest in protective eyewear for sports. 
  4. Reduce eyestrain by encouraging 20 minute breaks from screens after 20 minutes of use.
  5. Sunglasses will reduce exposure to harmful UV rays.
Listen as Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how you can prepare your child's eyes for school.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: lifes_too_short/ts73.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Brian Boxer Wachler, MD
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @drboxerwachler
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler Half ShotDr. Brian Boxer Wachler or “Dr. Brian” is a highly sought-after eye surgeon who’s earned the reputation “The Surgeon’s Surgeon” for being the choice of many doctors for their own vision correction as well as being consulted upon by many doctors for assistance/advice for their own patients. 

    In addition, Dr. Brian is also sought after by numerous celebrities, film and TV stars, musicians, professional athletes, CEOs, as well as government leaders.

    Dr. Brian is best known for developing the Holcomb C3-R® procedure, a unique procedure which treats Keratoconus (a degenerative eye disease); an alternative to cornea transplant surgery. In response to this medical breakthrough, Dr. Brian was selected to give a prestigious TEDx talk. He described the emotional battle and what he had to overcome to make Holcomb C3-R® the widely accepted procedure that it is today for patients with Keratoconus.
  • Length (mins): 11:22
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS