Are you looking for ways to boost your happiness?
“Happiness Boosters” are tricks and tips to increase one’s happiness.
Everyone has a different path to happiness, so it is important to find the one that works for you!
Chelsea Hurst, certified health and wellness coach offers some boosters to help you out!
Selected Podcast
Boosting Your Happiness!

Featured Speaker:
Chelsea Hurst, CHWC, -Community Engagement & Wellness
Chelsea Hurst is a certified health and wellness coach for Allina Health at the Cambridge Medical Center. Chelsea found her passion for health and people, from many eclectic volunteer experiences abroad, and all over the country. She enjoys being active outside, learning new skills, and participating in triathlons. Transcription:
Boosting Your Happiness!
Melanie Cole (Host): Are you looking for ways to boost your happiness? Happiness boosters are tricks and tips to increase one's happiness. Everyone has a different path to their own happiness, so it's important to find the one that works for you. My guest today is Chelsea Hurst. She's a certified health and wellness coach at Allina Health at the Cambridge Medical Center. Welcome to the show, Chelsea. So, tell us a little bit about happiness and what are happiness boosters? How can we get happier?
Chelsea Hurst (Guest): Thanks for having me, Melanie. So, when it comes to happiness, it's pretty common for us to think about circumstances like the amount of money we have, our jobs, sometimes we even look to marital status as a prime determinant of happiness. But, actually that's been shown to be only 10% of what determines our happiness which is pretty surprising. Genetics take about 50% and then as for the remaining 40%, it's what we do and how we think that determines our happiness. So, examples would be reactions to situations, thoughts and personal strategies as another example. It really comes down to making the choice to be happy.
Melanie: Well, it certainly does and, of course, everybody has to make that choice, but give us some tips on ways that we can help ourselves to find those little happiness boosters that can help us because there's health benefits to happiness, as well.
Chelsea: There are plenty. So, the number one thing I encourage people to do is express themselves and express it. You know, we could do a whole podcast on even journaling because there are so many benefits of journaling, but even starting by writing down one thing you're grateful for. That can be in a notebook, a journal or on a Post-it. If you're a person that's not a big writer, you can pull up a computer and you can type up a couple of things you're grateful for. That can show and just create more compassion and that gratitude alone can be a great happiness booster.
Melanie: Oh, that's a good one. Gratitude is just so important and, as you say, journaling, writing down those things that you're grateful for. Give us some more suggestions.
Chelsea: Reach out and connect with someone, you know. Maybe it's a close friend or family member or maybe someone you haven't even talked to for a long time. Reach out and say "Hey, would you like to get together or would you want to catch up on the phone?” Connecting with people is just a huge booster or, maybe, if it's someone you know you won't be able to see for a while and you just need to be vulnerable for a little bit, that's okay. You can just let them know that you're just maybe not having the best day and you're looking for a happiness booster. I have definitely texted one of my good friends and just texted them asking them, "Tell me something funny, today." And she did, and it helped. So, definitely connecting with people is a great booster, too.
Melanie: Oh, I love that one! Give us more.
Chelsea: Get goofy and laugh. Whatever makes you laugh, whether it's a picture of your kids or pets or anything funny you find on the internet; a quote that you love, a line from a stand-up comedian that maybe cracks you up. Put those right in front of you to make sure it helps generate that happiness. Some common places, I have some clients put a picture or quote would be right on their desk for work or even their dashboard in their car. That seems to help people, you know, if they're going through a stressful time or a little bit anxious about something, it just helps to remind you of those things that make you happy. And, you know, people make fun of me because it is pretty simple and cheesy, but it does help and it does work. My friends and family, they know how much squirrels make me laugh. I think they're just the funniest little things. So, I'm always getting pictures and videos of squirrels doing the dumbest things and some pretty out of hand, the last year or so, but, you know, it works. It always makes me laugh.
Melanie: That's hilarious. I think squirrels are funny, too, and just you even discussing that made me smile and made me laugh, so I think that is absolutely adorable, too. So, now what about exercise; because, exercise releases endorphins and helps our serotonin levels. Speak about exercise and happiness.
Chelsea: We're all pretty familiar, and have heard many times, that exercise is good for physical health and there are many, many benefits but it tends to be common that people forget that it’s also a happiness booster. It's good for our happiness and mental health. So, I’d really encourage people to get outside and start moving and, a lot of times people are like, "Well, I don't have time to do this a certain amount of time every day," but it doesn't have to be this long, strenuous walk. It could be just getting outside for five minutes and moving more than usual. Even if it's a small difference, it will make a big difference in the long run.
Melanie: I think it does, too, and what was it? In Legally Blonde, she said, "Happy people just don't do bad things," so it certainly is. Now, what about meditation, yoga, deep breathing? Do those help with happiness?
Chelsea: They definitely help with happiness and they are huge happiness boosters. Whatever practice you follow and that resonates with you, I would encourage people to continue doing that. It also can be just something simple, just taking a deep breath and just believing that this feeling, whether it be stress or just anxious or just any feeling that is making me want to strive for more happiness, believe that it is temporary. I have a really simple quote that, actually, one of my clients told me about and I love it and it helps so much, and the quote is "This is a moment, not my whole life." That quote alone just reminds you that this is a moment, this is temporary and you'll be okay.
Melanie: Oh, I love that. How beautifully put. Give us another one.
Chelsea: Another one would be to try something new. And, a lot of us want to try new things and look into things that interest them. Well, how about just doing the next step and trying it? That could be something as simple as starting to volunteer for a local organization or, if there's a race that really interests you, maybe volunteering for that race or just signing up for it. It's about taking that next step. Or, if there's a craft project you've seen on Pinterest that looks interesting, how about making the time this week to go shopping for those specific items you need for the project--whatever interests you. A big thing is though, too, that I recommend that people schedule it on their calendar, whether it's a race or going even shopping for those craft supplies because it's something you can look forward to and, again, that feeling you're doing something for yourself and feeling productive and moving forward is a great booster as well. Never hesitate to ask your friends or family to join you.
Melanie: I think that's great information. So, wrap it up here in the last few minutes on happiness because what a doll you are! What a pleasure to speak with. You sound smiley and I imagine you help a lot of people to become happy. So, give the listeners your best advice on happiness boosters.
Chelsea: I would recommend anyone that needs a quick boost or just working for any sort of happiness to stop and ask yourself, "What do I want? What do I really want for myself?" You'd be surprised even just asking yourself that, not once, but maybe a couple of times, what comes out and what you learn. It's important to create that vision of happiness and that hope for you and create it for yourself because it's different for each person. Once you get that vision, you start creating ways and strategies to how to accommodate it and how to reach it.
Melanie: That's great information. Thank you so much for being with us. You're listening to The WELLCast with Allina Health. For more information you can go to That's This is Melanie Cole, thanks so much for listening.
Boosting Your Happiness!
Melanie Cole (Host): Are you looking for ways to boost your happiness? Happiness boosters are tricks and tips to increase one's happiness. Everyone has a different path to their own happiness, so it's important to find the one that works for you. My guest today is Chelsea Hurst. She's a certified health and wellness coach at Allina Health at the Cambridge Medical Center. Welcome to the show, Chelsea. So, tell us a little bit about happiness and what are happiness boosters? How can we get happier?
Chelsea Hurst (Guest): Thanks for having me, Melanie. So, when it comes to happiness, it's pretty common for us to think about circumstances like the amount of money we have, our jobs, sometimes we even look to marital status as a prime determinant of happiness. But, actually that's been shown to be only 10% of what determines our happiness which is pretty surprising. Genetics take about 50% and then as for the remaining 40%, it's what we do and how we think that determines our happiness. So, examples would be reactions to situations, thoughts and personal strategies as another example. It really comes down to making the choice to be happy.
Melanie: Well, it certainly does and, of course, everybody has to make that choice, but give us some tips on ways that we can help ourselves to find those little happiness boosters that can help us because there's health benefits to happiness, as well.
Chelsea: There are plenty. So, the number one thing I encourage people to do is express themselves and express it. You know, we could do a whole podcast on even journaling because there are so many benefits of journaling, but even starting by writing down one thing you're grateful for. That can be in a notebook, a journal or on a Post-it. If you're a person that's not a big writer, you can pull up a computer and you can type up a couple of things you're grateful for. That can show and just create more compassion and that gratitude alone can be a great happiness booster.
Melanie: Oh, that's a good one. Gratitude is just so important and, as you say, journaling, writing down those things that you're grateful for. Give us some more suggestions.
Chelsea: Reach out and connect with someone, you know. Maybe it's a close friend or family member or maybe someone you haven't even talked to for a long time. Reach out and say "Hey, would you like to get together or would you want to catch up on the phone?” Connecting with people is just a huge booster or, maybe, if it's someone you know you won't be able to see for a while and you just need to be vulnerable for a little bit, that's okay. You can just let them know that you're just maybe not having the best day and you're looking for a happiness booster. I have definitely texted one of my good friends and just texted them asking them, "Tell me something funny, today." And she did, and it helped. So, definitely connecting with people is a great booster, too.
Melanie: Oh, I love that one! Give us more.
Chelsea: Get goofy and laugh. Whatever makes you laugh, whether it's a picture of your kids or pets or anything funny you find on the internet; a quote that you love, a line from a stand-up comedian that maybe cracks you up. Put those right in front of you to make sure it helps generate that happiness. Some common places, I have some clients put a picture or quote would be right on their desk for work or even their dashboard in their car. That seems to help people, you know, if they're going through a stressful time or a little bit anxious about something, it just helps to remind you of those things that make you happy. And, you know, people make fun of me because it is pretty simple and cheesy, but it does help and it does work. My friends and family, they know how much squirrels make me laugh. I think they're just the funniest little things. So, I'm always getting pictures and videos of squirrels doing the dumbest things and some pretty out of hand, the last year or so, but, you know, it works. It always makes me laugh.
Melanie: That's hilarious. I think squirrels are funny, too, and just you even discussing that made me smile and made me laugh, so I think that is absolutely adorable, too. So, now what about exercise; because, exercise releases endorphins and helps our serotonin levels. Speak about exercise and happiness.
Chelsea: We're all pretty familiar, and have heard many times, that exercise is good for physical health and there are many, many benefits but it tends to be common that people forget that it’s also a happiness booster. It's good for our happiness and mental health. So, I’d really encourage people to get outside and start moving and, a lot of times people are like, "Well, I don't have time to do this a certain amount of time every day," but it doesn't have to be this long, strenuous walk. It could be just getting outside for five minutes and moving more than usual. Even if it's a small difference, it will make a big difference in the long run.
Melanie: I think it does, too, and what was it? In Legally Blonde, she said, "Happy people just don't do bad things," so it certainly is. Now, what about meditation, yoga, deep breathing? Do those help with happiness?
Chelsea: They definitely help with happiness and they are huge happiness boosters. Whatever practice you follow and that resonates with you, I would encourage people to continue doing that. It also can be just something simple, just taking a deep breath and just believing that this feeling, whether it be stress or just anxious or just any feeling that is making me want to strive for more happiness, believe that it is temporary. I have a really simple quote that, actually, one of my clients told me about and I love it and it helps so much, and the quote is "This is a moment, not my whole life." That quote alone just reminds you that this is a moment, this is temporary and you'll be okay.
Melanie: Oh, I love that. How beautifully put. Give us another one.
Chelsea: Another one would be to try something new. And, a lot of us want to try new things and look into things that interest them. Well, how about just doing the next step and trying it? That could be something as simple as starting to volunteer for a local organization or, if there's a race that really interests you, maybe volunteering for that race or just signing up for it. It's about taking that next step. Or, if there's a craft project you've seen on Pinterest that looks interesting, how about making the time this week to go shopping for those specific items you need for the project--whatever interests you. A big thing is though, too, that I recommend that people schedule it on their calendar, whether it's a race or going even shopping for those craft supplies because it's something you can look forward to and, again, that feeling you're doing something for yourself and feeling productive and moving forward is a great booster as well. Never hesitate to ask your friends or family to join you.
Melanie: I think that's great information. So, wrap it up here in the last few minutes on happiness because what a doll you are! What a pleasure to speak with. You sound smiley and I imagine you help a lot of people to become happy. So, give the listeners your best advice on happiness boosters.
Chelsea: I would recommend anyone that needs a quick boost or just working for any sort of happiness to stop and ask yourself, "What do I want? What do I really want for myself?" You'd be surprised even just asking yourself that, not once, but maybe a couple of times, what comes out and what you learn. It's important to create that vision of happiness and that hope for you and create it for yourself because it's different for each person. Once you get that vision, you start creating ways and strategies to how to accommodate it and how to reach it.
Melanie: That's great information. Thank you so much for being with us. You're listening to The WELLCast with Allina Health. For more information you can go to That's This is Melanie Cole, thanks so much for listening.