Selected Podcast
How to Make Sure Your Content is Moving the Needle
In this episode, Mark Mathis talks about what needs to be included in your content in order to make sure your content is moving the needle for your target audiences.

Mark Mathis
Mark Mathis is Chief Creative and Strategy Officer. Transcription:
Mark Mathis: Hey, this is the One-Minute Marketer. I'm Mark Mathis, Creative Director at Amperage Marketing and Fundraising. And I was just thinking I've been blogging for nearly half my advertising agency ownership life. And it is true, the older you get, the faster time flies. And 12 years of blogging has whizzed by. I feel like Wile E.Coyote and the Road Runner. The Roadrunner represents the years in this metaphoric dream and I'm Wile E. Beep, beep!
It is hard to think about the future of blogging or podcasting and content creation without wondering if it all is worth the effort. In my TV days, we would call it broadcasting to the ether. You always asked if anyone was listening above the clouds. Did the words, pictures, and videos, did they make a difference?
New technologies are changing how we communicate. And we are all communicating through endless channels, large and small. With so many of us expressing ourselves, are we really reaching our target audiences? Are we touching the right people with the right message at the right time? And are we listening back to the responses?
In college, I made a short film about a large rock on the main lawn of campus where anyone who had something to say climbed up on the rock and spoke out. Usually, a crowd would form. My movie short featured one speaker and a small audience. Then one by one, the members of the audience all decided to climb up on the rock and start preaching themselves. Pretty soon, they were all speaking at once. Soon, no one was listening. Everyone was on the rock, speaking to an empty lawn. By the way, I got a low grade on my film. The instructor was much more interested in the recently released Rocky movie and the knockoffs people were making.
It seems like my little film applies today. We can all speak from the rock. So what is essential as we become our own media outlets? This is where three keywords become more and more critical. Relevancy, empathy, and story. To me, empathy is the most important word. You must be able to empathize with your audience.
Our thinking should be "What does my audience need to hear?" Not "What do I want to say?" you can't blog this long about marketing and not still be optimistic. Each new change has brought incredible opportunities to do things better and with more relevance. Ideas will always lead us forward as long as we are relevant, empathetic, and have a great story to share with our audiences.
That is the One-Minute Marketer. My special thanks to audio engineer, Bill Klaproth. If you like this marketing thinking and strategy, reach out to us at We will move the needle.
Mark Mathis: Hey, this is the One-Minute Marketer. I'm Mark Mathis, Creative Director at Amperage Marketing and Fundraising. And I was just thinking I've been blogging for nearly half my advertising agency ownership life. And it is true, the older you get, the faster time flies. And 12 years of blogging has whizzed by. I feel like Wile E.Coyote and the Road Runner. The Roadrunner represents the years in this metaphoric dream and I'm Wile E. Beep, beep!
It is hard to think about the future of blogging or podcasting and content creation without wondering if it all is worth the effort. In my TV days, we would call it broadcasting to the ether. You always asked if anyone was listening above the clouds. Did the words, pictures, and videos, did they make a difference?
New technologies are changing how we communicate. And we are all communicating through endless channels, large and small. With so many of us expressing ourselves, are we really reaching our target audiences? Are we touching the right people with the right message at the right time? And are we listening back to the responses?
In college, I made a short film about a large rock on the main lawn of campus where anyone who had something to say climbed up on the rock and spoke out. Usually, a crowd would form. My movie short featured one speaker and a small audience. Then one by one, the members of the audience all decided to climb up on the rock and start preaching themselves. Pretty soon, they were all speaking at once. Soon, no one was listening. Everyone was on the rock, speaking to an empty lawn. By the way, I got a low grade on my film. The instructor was much more interested in the recently released Rocky movie and the knockoffs people were making.
It seems like my little film applies today. We can all speak from the rock. So what is essential as we become our own media outlets? This is where three keywords become more and more critical. Relevancy, empathy, and story. To me, empathy is the most important word. You must be able to empathize with your audience.
Our thinking should be "What does my audience need to hear?" Not "What do I want to say?" you can't blog this long about marketing and not still be optimistic. Each new change has brought incredible opportunities to do things better and with more relevance. Ideas will always lead us forward as long as we are relevant, empathetic, and have a great story to share with our audiences.
That is the One-Minute Marketer. My special thanks to audio engineer, Bill Klaproth. If you like this marketing thinking and strategy, reach out to us at We will move the needle.