Sir Isaac Newton Knows Marketing

In this episode, Mark Mathis talks about organizations struggling to find their voice in this new digital world and how content marketing can help move the needle.
Sir Isaac Newton Knows Marketing
Mark Mathis
Mark Mathis is Chief Creative and Strategy Officer.

Mark Mathis: Hello. This is the One-Minute Marketer. I'm Mark Mathis, Creative Director at Amperage Marketing and Fundraising. And I was just thinking about Sir Isaac Newton today. He is the noted marketing guru, Sir Isaac Newton. You may not know him that way, but he found that there are critical truths to the world of branding, advertising, and marketing. He developed laws to describe what is happening in most organizations struggling to find their voice in this new digital world.

So law number one, inertia. Content marketing efforts that are at rest will remain at rest. When was the last time you refreshed the content on your website? Are there updates of recent projects? Is your news segment up-to-date? How about your blogs, podcasts, white papers, case studies. We all know content marketing is essential in the digital world, yet when content marketing is at rest, it will remain at rest until a force acts upon it.

Law number two, force equals M times A. I may change the equation a bit. Instead of having the equation end in force, it should be speed. Mass times acceleration equals speed. And we know speed thrills, and you need velocity to keep your content marketing efforts moving forward to impact sales. Velocity also measures the rate at which content is shared and distributed to the target audiences and stakeholders. It not only must be quick to respond, but built both with magnitude and direction with your marketing. You can't move people without content that has a clear focus or benefit to the reader and enough importance or significance in their lives.

Law number three, action and reaction. You have to put your content marketing effort into motion with enough velocity and frequency to make a difference. Unfortunately, there will be an opposite reaction, internal issues, people who disagree with your stance, just the sheer magnitude of the ongoing task, we call it the hungry bees, feeding the hungry bees, and the press of other business in your organization.

All of this is really a definition of momentum. Momentum in a football game, a business or content marketing plan is the force that keeps driving you forward. You can feel momentum shifts in a football game, and you can see momentum in content marketing efforts. It's time to stop thinking of your content marketing effort like a single event, such as an apple falling from a tree. The laws of psychological and behavioral physics will provide the momentum to keep your marketing effort moving in the right direction.

That is the One-Minute Marketer. My special thanks to audio engineer, Bill Klaproth. If you like this marketing thinking and strategy, reach out to us at We will move your needle.