Wednesday, 13 January 2016 12:45

Nutrition Nuggets: Best Combos for Optimal Health

The very concept of "change" can subconsciously indicate you're doing something wrong. Instead, Ashley Koff, RD, suggests focusing on exchanges.
Transitioning into a new year can be inspiring, but it can also be discouraging.

All around you are blasts encouraging you to change: "new year, new you" is just one of the popular phrases.

But, the very concept of "change" can subconsciously indicate that you're doing something wrong.

Instead, Registered Dietitian Ashley Koff suggests focusing on exchanges, not changes.

Start off by thinking about what you're doing right or where you're finding success. Recognizing that will help you continue that success and promote forward movement.

Also, decide how you want to invest your time and feel good about it. Don't beat yourself up for not cooking every meal for yourself or your family if you don't enjoy spending time in the kitchen. You can still focus on proper nutrition by incorporating certain ingredients in simple meals.

One of Koff's favorite ingredients is hemp seed, which is what she calls a nutrient balance enabler. It's also a great source of protein (complete protein) and essential fatty acids, including the "glamour fatty acid," GLA.

Listen in as Koff shares more nutrition nuggets, as well as her take on what the new year can mean for you.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1602ns3e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Ashley Koff, RD
  • Guest Twitter Account: @ashleykoff
  • Guest Bio: Ashley-KoffAshley Koff is an internationally-renowned registered dietitian who believes better nutrition is simple and is on a mission to help anyone achieve their personal health goals by providing simple but highly effective tips and strategies. A self-described “Qualitarian,” Koff emphasizes the value of quality nutritional choices in achieving optimal health and has developed tools such as The AKA Qualitarian Nutrition Plan and The AKA Personal Shopper to help facilitate this.

    Koff is widely sought after for her knowledge and ability to translate nutrition science into practical and motivating messages and appears regularly in the National Media, has authored two books and speaks frequently on the topic of better quality choices for better health.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH