Young, Old, Thin, Heavy, Male, Female: Sugary drinks linked to cancer
In the 2005 movie "Thank You for Smoking," Aaron Eckhart plays Nick Naylor, a spokesman for big tobacco whose job is to convince people that smoking is safe. When he goes to speak to his son's class, a child comments, "My mommy says smoking kills."
Antidepressants can be a tough pill to take, but they work
Lady Gaga, Owen Wilson and Gwyneth Paltrow count themselves among the lucky ones. Heath Ledger, Marilyn Monroe and Kurt Cobain, sadly were not. We're talking about winning and losing the battle against chronic depression.
Although antidepressant medications have revolutionized the...
Using PEDs (push, enthusiasm and determination) to become your best athlete
The presence of some Russian athletes at the Winter Olympics Games this year raised eyebrows, but the International Olympic Committee said that not every athlete from that country was doping. (Unfortunately, a male curler and female bobsledder did test positive.) But there...