Adult day services help older adults sustain independence and functioning. They improve quality of health and life. It's also a great relief for caregivers.
Elizabeth Cagan, Executive Director of White Crane Wellness Center, shares the benefits of using adult day services.
Adult Day Services

Elizabeth Cagan
Elizabeth Cagan earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Northwestern University and her Master of Arts Degree in International Relations from The University of Chicago. For the past twenty years, she has served as Executive Director of White Crane Wellness Center, a not-for-profit organization that sustains the mission to improve the health and well-being of older adults. In this capacity, Elizabeth oversees the operations of an agency that provides health and support services for more than 5,000 individuals annually. Under her leadership, White Crane was the recipient of a five-year Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant and selected twice by GlaxoSmithKline and The University of Pennsylvania for excellence in health service delivery for diverse populations. Additionally, White Crane was the proud recipient of the Sid Granet Award, presented by the Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and was twice selected by National Council on Aging as a Best Practice Model. In her role as Executive Director, Elizabeth serves as Chair of the Chicago committee of a statewide association, while also chairing a work group of a regional Human Services Leadership Council in south suburban Cook County. She also serves on the board of directors of an organization that provides technical assistance and capacity building for other non-profit agencies. Elizabeth is the Statewide Regional Coordinator of Illinois Adult Day Services Association and serves on the Association’s Executive Council as well. Transcription:
Bill Klaproth (Host): So, what are adult day services? Is it right for you or a family member, and what are the overall benefits? Here to talk with us about adult daycare is Elizabeth Cagan, Executive Director with White Crane Wellness Center. Elizabeth, thank you so much for your time today. First off, can you explain the relationship between White Crane Wellness and Chicago Methodist Senior Services?
Elizabeth Cagan (Guest): Yes, I’d be happy to, and thank you for having me today. That’s a great question, and we are really proud of our relationship with Chicago Methodist Senior Services. We’ve known each other as two cooperating organizations for more than twenty years, and I think it’s a testament to the compatibility of our mission and overall organizational objectives. We’re different organizations — separate organizations, but very compatible with regard to our overall mission of improving the health and well-being of older adults.
Bill: I love that. That is so good. Let’s talk about adult day services. For someone listening, researching, trying to understand this, can you frame this for us, and tell us what are adult day services?
Elizabeth: Yes, I’d be happy to. We’re very proud of our adult day program, not only ours, but of all of the adult day service providers across the State of Illinois. Adult day services is an option for individuals and families to be able to remain in your own home within the community. It provides the individual with supportive services on a daily basis that empower the participant and the families to remain as independent and healthy as possible. And so — versus ongoing daily senior centers, adult day services provide nursing, medication administration for those who need it, wonderful meals, socialization, exercise, therapeutic programming, and other support services again to power the older adults to have the requisite support he or she needs to remain within the community and to remain healthy and well.
Bill: That sounds really good. Overall, what is the biggest benefit then of adult day services to the senior and their family?
Elizabeth: You know, when I meet with families — and I’ve been doing so for more than twenty years — we talk about how adult day services can actually help an older adult retain his or her independence. A lot of times, people don’t like to ask for help, especially older adults. They really want to hang on to their independence as we all do, and what I tell families is adult day services is a way to help you be more independent and to retain your health for a longer period of time because you are getting help with your diet, you’re eating in a healthy way, you’re getting help to prevent yourself from falling, you’re getting help with maintaining your medication administration properly, you’re socializing with peers. And also, very importantly, through the supportive services, you’re identifying any chronic disease or health issue at an earlier point in its development, so you can actually prevent disease and promote your health.
Bill: So, Elizabeth, who is a good candidate for this then?
Elizabeth: That’s a great question. The typical older adult participant in our program really varies. It’s anyone from someone who lives in their own apartment or home within the community, but who might be isolated, or lonely, or sad, and who doesn’t have access to social programs, or transportation, or meals to someone who is experiencing memory issues at various stages or someone who has physical issues and needs help ambulating — they don’t want to fall, and they need help during the day when their family is at work. Those would be great candidates for adult day services, and so it also helps the the caregiver, the family member, the loved one, who may be working still — it could be a spouse, an adult child, or other caregiver. By having access to adult day services those individuals can continue to work and maintain their loved one in the home in the community.
Bill: So many benefits. You mentioned in home, so this can take place at someone’s home or at the senior living community as well?
Elizabeth: Older adults living — they may be living at home, they may be living in assisted living, they could even be living in a long-term care facility, and they could still benefit from adult day services. The idea is — of adult day services — giving options and choices to individuals, older adults. Especially in this generation of older adults really wants to access as many choices and options as possible to manage their living and functioning arrangements as they get older.
Bill: So, for social activities — and we all need seniors to continue to be social — how does transportation work then if they’re going to take advantage of adult day services in the senior living community? Do family member drop them off and pick them up every day, or is there transportation provided? How does that work?
Elizabeth: So, most adult day service providers provide transportation. We do. We pick up individuals in the morning and take them home at the end of the day. Its great because transportation, of course, is vital for the success of a day program for creating access to care for older adults. It’s really this hidden jewel, adult day services across the State of Illinois and across the United States.
Bill: Well, it certainly sounds like it. And Elizabeth, you have mentioned health, and wellness, and disease, can you talk about disease prevention and health promotion at White Crane Wellness?
Elizabeth: Yes, I’d love to because really, that’s the cornerstone of our organization’s mission. Our overall organizational objectives are to empower older adults with the requisite tools, information, and knowledge they need to improve and sustain their health. Health promotion and disease prevention represents integral components of our overall programming and services. It’s so important because older adults face a host of chronic health conditions that 67% of the older adult population are facing at least one chronic condition, and those conditions can limit their activities of daily living. In fact, 25% of older adults face limitation on their activities of daily living, and so, adult day services can help them combat those limitations and also detect disease at an earlier stage in its progress, so therefore, promoting your overall years of good health and wellness.
Bill: So, Elizabeth, this really helps with keeping seniors active, right? Because keeping them active and physical fitness is very important?
Elizabeth: Hugely important. Actually, there is so much data now demonstrating the importance of physical activity and socialization, and both are addressed in adult day service centers. There is so much information about the importance of people connecting to others, and that’s a very integral part of attending adult day services is talking with and socializing with your peers.
Bill: So true. Does this take place on the weekends too or this is just a Monday through Friday thing?
Elizabeth: Most centers are open Monday through Friday. There may be some centers, a few here and there in the State, that are open on the weekends, but it is mostly a Monday through Friday venue.
Bill: And also, I just want to ask you about this, and this is a very broad question. When it comes to costs and options financially, can you just give us a brief rundown, so that someone listening knows?
Elizabeth: Sure. There are a few different ways to pay for adult day services, so I always want folks to ask because we really just try to create greater access to adult day services for the community. If someone’s assets are below a certain level they may qualify for free care. Also, there are some long-term care policies that cover the expenses associated with adult day services. And families and individuals can also pay privately as well. We always encourage folks to don’t ever hesitate to call because we can talk through all of these issues, and adult day services are there — particularly White Crane Wellness Center — are there to help the community, are there to help older adults improve and sustain their health, and this is a great way to do that.
Bill: Absolutely. And Elizabeth, it’s been great talking to you today. If you could just quickly wrap it up for us, what else should we know about adult day services?
Elizabeth: I would say that adult day services are a way to help older adults sustain their independence and their functioning as long as possible and to improve their quality of health and quality of life for as long as possible. To that extent as well, it tremendously helps families and caregivers continue on in the daily operations and functioning of their lives while knowing that their loved one is in a safe place.
Bill: This is very beneficial to many people, and Elizabeth, thank you so much for your time today and talking to us about this. To learn more or to book a tour, you can visit, that’s Elizabeth, thank you again. This is Living Well with Chicago Methodist Senior Services. I’m Bill Klaproth. Thanks for listening.
Bill Klaproth (Host): So, what are adult day services? Is it right for you or a family member, and what are the overall benefits? Here to talk with us about adult daycare is Elizabeth Cagan, Executive Director with White Crane Wellness Center. Elizabeth, thank you so much for your time today. First off, can you explain the relationship between White Crane Wellness and Chicago Methodist Senior Services?
Elizabeth Cagan (Guest): Yes, I’d be happy to, and thank you for having me today. That’s a great question, and we are really proud of our relationship with Chicago Methodist Senior Services. We’ve known each other as two cooperating organizations for more than twenty years, and I think it’s a testament to the compatibility of our mission and overall organizational objectives. We’re different organizations — separate organizations, but very compatible with regard to our overall mission of improving the health and well-being of older adults.
Bill: I love that. That is so good. Let’s talk about adult day services. For someone listening, researching, trying to understand this, can you frame this for us, and tell us what are adult day services?
Elizabeth: Yes, I’d be happy to. We’re very proud of our adult day program, not only ours, but of all of the adult day service providers across the State of Illinois. Adult day services is an option for individuals and families to be able to remain in your own home within the community. It provides the individual with supportive services on a daily basis that empower the participant and the families to remain as independent and healthy as possible. And so — versus ongoing daily senior centers, adult day services provide nursing, medication administration for those who need it, wonderful meals, socialization, exercise, therapeutic programming, and other support services again to power the older adults to have the requisite support he or she needs to remain within the community and to remain healthy and well.
Bill: That sounds really good. Overall, what is the biggest benefit then of adult day services to the senior and their family?
Elizabeth: You know, when I meet with families — and I’ve been doing so for more than twenty years — we talk about how adult day services can actually help an older adult retain his or her independence. A lot of times, people don’t like to ask for help, especially older adults. They really want to hang on to their independence as we all do, and what I tell families is adult day services is a way to help you be more independent and to retain your health for a longer period of time because you are getting help with your diet, you’re eating in a healthy way, you’re getting help to prevent yourself from falling, you’re getting help with maintaining your medication administration properly, you’re socializing with peers. And also, very importantly, through the supportive services, you’re identifying any chronic disease or health issue at an earlier point in its development, so you can actually prevent disease and promote your health.
Bill: So, Elizabeth, who is a good candidate for this then?
Elizabeth: That’s a great question. The typical older adult participant in our program really varies. It’s anyone from someone who lives in their own apartment or home within the community, but who might be isolated, or lonely, or sad, and who doesn’t have access to social programs, or transportation, or meals to someone who is experiencing memory issues at various stages or someone who has physical issues and needs help ambulating — they don’t want to fall, and they need help during the day when their family is at work. Those would be great candidates for adult day services, and so it also helps the the caregiver, the family member, the loved one, who may be working still — it could be a spouse, an adult child, or other caregiver. By having access to adult day services those individuals can continue to work and maintain their loved one in the home in the community.
Bill: So many benefits. You mentioned in home, so this can take place at someone’s home or at the senior living community as well?
Elizabeth: Older adults living — they may be living at home, they may be living in assisted living, they could even be living in a long-term care facility, and they could still benefit from adult day services. The idea is — of adult day services — giving options and choices to individuals, older adults. Especially in this generation of older adults really wants to access as many choices and options as possible to manage their living and functioning arrangements as they get older.
Bill: So, for social activities — and we all need seniors to continue to be social — how does transportation work then if they’re going to take advantage of adult day services in the senior living community? Do family member drop them off and pick them up every day, or is there transportation provided? How does that work?
Elizabeth: So, most adult day service providers provide transportation. We do. We pick up individuals in the morning and take them home at the end of the day. Its great because transportation, of course, is vital for the success of a day program for creating access to care for older adults. It’s really this hidden jewel, adult day services across the State of Illinois and across the United States.
Bill: Well, it certainly sounds like it. And Elizabeth, you have mentioned health, and wellness, and disease, can you talk about disease prevention and health promotion at White Crane Wellness?
Elizabeth: Yes, I’d love to because really, that’s the cornerstone of our organization’s mission. Our overall organizational objectives are to empower older adults with the requisite tools, information, and knowledge they need to improve and sustain their health. Health promotion and disease prevention represents integral components of our overall programming and services. It’s so important because older adults face a host of chronic health conditions that 67% of the older adult population are facing at least one chronic condition, and those conditions can limit their activities of daily living. In fact, 25% of older adults face limitation on their activities of daily living, and so, adult day services can help them combat those limitations and also detect disease at an earlier stage in its progress, so therefore, promoting your overall years of good health and wellness.
Bill: So, Elizabeth, this really helps with keeping seniors active, right? Because keeping them active and physical fitness is very important?
Elizabeth: Hugely important. Actually, there is so much data now demonstrating the importance of physical activity and socialization, and both are addressed in adult day service centers. There is so much information about the importance of people connecting to others, and that’s a very integral part of attending adult day services is talking with and socializing with your peers.
Bill: So true. Does this take place on the weekends too or this is just a Monday through Friday thing?
Elizabeth: Most centers are open Monday through Friday. There may be some centers, a few here and there in the State, that are open on the weekends, but it is mostly a Monday through Friday venue.
Bill: And also, I just want to ask you about this, and this is a very broad question. When it comes to costs and options financially, can you just give us a brief rundown, so that someone listening knows?
Elizabeth: Sure. There are a few different ways to pay for adult day services, so I always want folks to ask because we really just try to create greater access to adult day services for the community. If someone’s assets are below a certain level they may qualify for free care. Also, there are some long-term care policies that cover the expenses associated with adult day services. And families and individuals can also pay privately as well. We always encourage folks to don’t ever hesitate to call because we can talk through all of these issues, and adult day services are there — particularly White Crane Wellness Center — are there to help the community, are there to help older adults improve and sustain their health, and this is a great way to do that.
Bill: Absolutely. And Elizabeth, it’s been great talking to you today. If you could just quickly wrap it up for us, what else should we know about adult day services?
Elizabeth: I would say that adult day services are a way to help older adults sustain their independence and their functioning as long as possible and to improve their quality of health and quality of life for as long as possible. To that extent as well, it tremendously helps families and caregivers continue on in the daily operations and functioning of their lives while knowing that their loved one is in a safe place.
Bill: This is very beneficial to many people, and Elizabeth, thank you so much for your time today and talking to us about this. To learn more or to book a tour, you can visit, that’s Elizabeth, thank you again. This is Living Well with Chicago Methodist Senior Services. I’m Bill Klaproth. Thanks for listening.