Emotional Fitness: Crucial for Achieving Peak Performance

Whether you're trying to get fit, stay sober, or make a relationship work, you want to be operating at the top of your game.
Whether you're trying to get fit, stay sober, or make a relationship work, you want to be operating at the top of your game. 

What can give you the edge? Your emotional fitness, which affects every aspect of your life. 

Christina Nimergood believes that emotional acuity in whatever you do helps you achieve peak performance. 

She discusses what emotional acuity is, as well as things you can do to stay on top of your emotional game as you work towards your peak health and performance.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1613rr5c.mp3
  • Doctors: Christina Nimergood
  • Featured Speaker: Christina Nimergood
  • Guest Bio: NimergoodChristina Nimergood is a southern/Midwestern/Coast girl born in Texas raised in Iowa and Nebraska by her mom, step dad, sister and grandparents. She then moved back to Texas to live with her dad, step mom and brother. This is also where she met her high school sweet heart, now husband, who she moved to North Carolina with only to two years later move yet again to Colorado where she graduated from the university AND also where she developed a gnarly addiction. Christina and her husband moved one more time, after three years, to their dream location of California, where she became sober, had a date with destiny and is now living a purpose driven life of inspiring, empowering and helping other millennial females be the change they wish to see in the world. What a life.