Selected Podcast
Same Sex Couples and Fertility
Stephanie Green discusses what the fertility process looks like for same sex couples.

Stephanie Green, ACNP-BC
Stephanie Green, ACNP-BC is a Nurse Practitioner. Transcription:
Deborah Howell: The fertility journey takes many paths for many different couples. So what does the fertility journey look like for same-sex couples? I'm Deborah Howell and our guest today is Stephanie Green, a nurse practitioner at Boston IVF at Deaconess The Women's Hospital. Welcome, Stephanie.
Stephanie Green: Thanks for having me.
Deborah Howell: It's our pleasure. And first off, what role do you play in fertility treatment for same-sex couples?
Stephanie Green: Well, the first thing we do is we meet the couple. We obtain pertinent history. We discuss recommended testing. We develop a plan of care that's based on their personalized needs and all this is accomplished in their first consultation.
Deborah Howell: Great. Now, can both male and female same-sex couples benefit from your services?
Stephanie Green: Yes, absolutely. Although their options are different, both same-sex couples, male and female can benefit from our services.
Deborah Howell: Well, let's get into those options. What are the fertility options available for same-sex couples?
Stephanie Green: Well, they differ somewhat depending on male or female couples. A female couple's options may include donor insemination or using donor sperm with IVF, which is in vitro fertilization. Male couples would include IVF utilizing an egg donor along with a gestational carrier, which we are able to help coordinate.
Deborah Howell: Fantastic. Now, for female same-sex couples, can we choose our donor sperm?
Stephanie Green: Absolutely. As a office, we do not match couples and donors. But what we do is we give a list of donor banks. There are some medical tests that need to be performed that will assist the couple in choosing a donor that's best for them.
Deborah Howell: And for female same-sex couples, what's the best way to decide who will carry your baby?
Stephanie Green: Well, it's actually a personal choice often made by the couple, but either female may carry the baby. Some factors that we look at that might help decide would be their overall age, health. You know, we'd have to look at any known health problems that would be with either female, and that would help us to decide who would be the best person to carry the baby.
Deborah Howell: Sure. And what can a couple do to help their chances of success?
Stephanie Green: In general, whether it's a male couple, female couple, I mean, we just recommend avoiding alcohol, tobacco, maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy weight and overall healthy lifestyle.
Deborah Howell: What about the family of these couples? Sometimes they don't really, you know, understand what the couple is going through. Do you have any counseling services?
Stephanie Green: We do. For couples, we always offer a referral to a psychologist that can help with many of the things that they would face as far as family questions, societal questions, and then just personal questions that they both might have in regards to using a donor or gestational carrier, because those things definitely may bring up some feelings. And, you know, this couple definitely would have that option to meet with a psychologist and we would elicit that referral for them if that's something they would choose to do.
Deborah Howell: Other than that, it's pretty much the same procedure as any couple, correct?
Stephanie Green: That's exactly right. That's exactly right.
Deborah Howell: And do couples need a referral?
Stephanie Green: No, all the couple has to do is call (812) 842-4530, and set up an appointment. It's easy as that. And if they need more information, they can also find that at our website, which is
Deborah Howell: What's the best thing about your job, Stephanie, before I let you go?
Stephanie Green: Oh, gosh. There's so many things. But you know, when you're helping a couple through this very vulnerable time in their life and you are helping them to live out their life's dreams and you see that come to fruition, it's just such a blessing.
Deborah Howell: I'm sure it's incredibly gratifying. Well, this is some really good information you've given us, Stephanie. Thank you so much for being with us today.
Stephanie Green: Thank you for having me.
Deborah Howell: This is The Women's Hospital, a place for all your life. Please remember to subscribe, rate and review this podcast and all the other Deaconess Women's Hospital podcasts. And for more health tips and updates, follow us on your social channels. I'm Deborah Howell. Thank you for listening and have yourself a great day.
Deborah Howell: The fertility journey takes many paths for many different couples. So what does the fertility journey look like for same-sex couples? I'm Deborah Howell and our guest today is Stephanie Green, a nurse practitioner at Boston IVF at Deaconess The Women's Hospital. Welcome, Stephanie.
Stephanie Green: Thanks for having me.
Deborah Howell: It's our pleasure. And first off, what role do you play in fertility treatment for same-sex couples?
Stephanie Green: Well, the first thing we do is we meet the couple. We obtain pertinent history. We discuss recommended testing. We develop a plan of care that's based on their personalized needs and all this is accomplished in their first consultation.
Deborah Howell: Great. Now, can both male and female same-sex couples benefit from your services?
Stephanie Green: Yes, absolutely. Although their options are different, both same-sex couples, male and female can benefit from our services.
Deborah Howell: Well, let's get into those options. What are the fertility options available for same-sex couples?
Stephanie Green: Well, they differ somewhat depending on male or female couples. A female couple's options may include donor insemination or using donor sperm with IVF, which is in vitro fertilization. Male couples would include IVF utilizing an egg donor along with a gestational carrier, which we are able to help coordinate.
Deborah Howell: Fantastic. Now, for female same-sex couples, can we choose our donor sperm?
Stephanie Green: Absolutely. As a office, we do not match couples and donors. But what we do is we give a list of donor banks. There are some medical tests that need to be performed that will assist the couple in choosing a donor that's best for them.
Deborah Howell: And for female same-sex couples, what's the best way to decide who will carry your baby?
Stephanie Green: Well, it's actually a personal choice often made by the couple, but either female may carry the baby. Some factors that we look at that might help decide would be their overall age, health. You know, we'd have to look at any known health problems that would be with either female, and that would help us to decide who would be the best person to carry the baby.
Deborah Howell: Sure. And what can a couple do to help their chances of success?
Stephanie Green: In general, whether it's a male couple, female couple, I mean, we just recommend avoiding alcohol, tobacco, maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy weight and overall healthy lifestyle.
Deborah Howell: What about the family of these couples? Sometimes they don't really, you know, understand what the couple is going through. Do you have any counseling services?
Stephanie Green: We do. For couples, we always offer a referral to a psychologist that can help with many of the things that they would face as far as family questions, societal questions, and then just personal questions that they both might have in regards to using a donor or gestational carrier, because those things definitely may bring up some feelings. And, you know, this couple definitely would have that option to meet with a psychologist and we would elicit that referral for them if that's something they would choose to do.
Deborah Howell: Other than that, it's pretty much the same procedure as any couple, correct?
Stephanie Green: That's exactly right. That's exactly right.
Deborah Howell: And do couples need a referral?
Stephanie Green: No, all the couple has to do is call (812) 842-4530, and set up an appointment. It's easy as that. And if they need more information, they can also find that at our website, which is
Deborah Howell: What's the best thing about your job, Stephanie, before I let you go?
Stephanie Green: Oh, gosh. There's so many things. But you know, when you're helping a couple through this very vulnerable time in their life and you are helping them to live out their life's dreams and you see that come to fruition, it's just such a blessing.
Deborah Howell: I'm sure it's incredibly gratifying. Well, this is some really good information you've given us, Stephanie. Thank you so much for being with us today.
Stephanie Green: Thank you for having me.
Deborah Howell: This is The Women's Hospital, a place for all your life. Please remember to subscribe, rate and review this podcast and all the other Deaconess Women's Hospital podcasts. And for more health tips and updates, follow us on your social channels. I'm Deborah Howell. Thank you for listening and have yourself a great day.