Selected Podcast

Taking Back Control: Understanding and Treating Urge Incontinence

Join us as we learn all about urge incontinence. Dr. Craig Smith addresses pressing questions about how certain behaviors impact this condition and dives into the specific conditions that tend to lead to urge incontinence. Discover how patients are be diagnosed, the latest advancements in available treatment options and hear valuable insights from Dr. Craig Smith about regaining control over urge incontinence.

Taking Back Control: Understanding and Treating Urge Incontinence
Featured Speaker:
Craig Smith, MD, FAAP, FACS

My clin­i­cal inter­ests include man­age­ment of BPH spe­cial­iz­ing in min­i­mal­ly inva­sive non-sur­gi­cal ther­a­pies and blad­der health and con­trol with empha­sis on med­ica­tion free alter­na­tives to improve con­ti­nence and lessen void­ing fre­quen­cy.