Online Reputation Management and Testimonials: Tell Me How You Really Feel

In today's fast-moving online environment of social media, it is becoming more important than ever to manage your online reputation. That's where today's guests on The Speakeasy bring their business expertise to manage this part of your reputation.
Online Reputation Management and Testimonials: Tell Me How You Really Feel
Featured Speakers:
Riley Dickie | Matt Murray
Riley Dickie is a young professional focused on technology sales, strategy, and operations; Middlebury College graduate committed to Vermont's tech scene and business community.

Matt Murray has worked in the customer experience arena for several by bringing new clients to businesses and helping them manage their online reputation. To date, Widewail has focused 100% on providing high-quality, people-powered engagement management services. Now, with the launch of their newest product line, "Invite" Widewail can create engagement, too.

To date, Widewail has focused 100% on providing high-quality, people-powered engagement management services. Now, with the launch of their newest product line, “Invite,” Widewail can create engagement, too.