Selected Podcast

A Patient Story - Sydney

Sydney Fabisch shares her patient story and how the pandemic impacted her weight loss journey.

Caitlin Whyte: The COVID 19 pandemic has affected us all in many different ways, but for someone who already used food as a coping mechanism, the lockdowns in 2020, really through Sydney for a loop.

Sydney Fabisch: I remember being the chubby or girl never really enjoying shopping. It was always kind of like a dreadful thing that I was always forced to do. So that's always kind of just been a theme throughout my life. And once the pandemic hit, I just remember kind of turning to emotional eating. It was initially

Caitlin Whyte: Sydney's mom who pointed out. She should go to her primary care doctor and maybe get some blood work done. And in this initial visit, when Sydney saw what her cholesterol was, she knew she had to do something about it. The idea of gastric surgery wasn't too far out of Sydney's mind. She watched her father go through an emergency surgery at Garden State Bariatrics with Dr. Basal Usicion. When it was her turn for a consultation, she knew exactly where to go.

Sydney Fabisch: Ever since starting with Garden State Bariatrics, I felt so safe. So comforted everyone there just makes you feel like family. You know, it's a very tedious process with insurance and everything, the nutritionist, but they kind of guide you along throughout that process.

Caitlin Whyte: So Sydney underwent her gastric sleeve surgery in November of 2021. She says her experience was unique. A series of complications post-surgery led her back to the hospital four times. Between these issues and the pandemic still raging on, she says it was a frightening time.

Sydney Fabisch: But I will tell you I've never. Ever seen a doctor as supportive as Dr. Yourcision he checked on me every day. He was absolutely amazing throughout that process. And if it weren't for him, I don't think I would've gotten through that.

Caitlin Whyte: Although almost a year later now Sidney says, going ahead with the gastric sleeve surgery is still the best decision she has ever made, and she would do it all over again.

Sydney Fabisch: It has remarkably changed my life. I feel better. I'm a happier person. It is a lifestyle change, but I'm so happy that I decided to fully commit to that lifestyle change because I needed to, you know, my habits were not healthy and this just gave me that push that I needed. You know, I tried everything. I did, Jenny Craig, I did weight Watchers. It just wasn't realistic for me. And this is kind of, you know, what is working for me. And I'm so happy. I feel so much better.