Second Hand Smoke: More Dangerous Than Ever

Does your pediatrician ask at the office visit about smoking and smoke exposure?

Even if parents don't smoke, often there is someone in the family who does so the child may be exposed and then is at risk for many health conditions.

If you are a smoking parent or you have a family member that smokes, do you maintain strict rules about smoke-free homes and cars? 
Second Hand Smoke: More Dangerous Than Ever
Dr. Sophie Balk, MD
Sophie Balk photoDr. Sophie Balk is a general pediatrician at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore and Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx NY. Dr. Balk's academic work focuses on environmental health issues relevant to children. She is a past Chairperson of the AAP Committee on Environmental Health and Associate Editor of Pediatric Environmental Health, also known as the Green Book published by the AAP. Dr. Balk has lectured regionally and nationally on smoking cessation, sun safety and other environmental health issues. She is the lead author of the AAP's technical report and policy statement on ultraviolet radiation.