Selected Podcast

Teens and Doctor/Patient Confidentiality: Parents Beware

Does your teenager feel comfortable telling your pediatrician all his or her secrets and health information?

Do you trust your doctor to relay any pertinent information to you?

Do you even have a right to know this information?

Dr. Cora Breuner helps sort out the ins and outs of doctor/patient confidentiality when it comes to your teenagers and their doctors.
Teens and Doctor/Patient Confidentiality: Parents Beware
Dr. Cora Breuner, MD
BreunerCorapix2012.jpgDr. Breuner attended Medical School in Philadelphia at Jefferson Medical College with a Residency in San Diego at the Balboa Naval Hospital. She served as a transitional intern, consisting of 6 months internal medicine followed by 6 months of surgery training. Following this Dr Breuner was the general medical officer on the destroyer tender, USS Acadia, homeported in San Diego. She entered a 3-year pediatric residency, serving as Chief Resident the final year. She spent the next two years as a general pediatrician in Japan, where she volunteered as a pediatric consultant in Navy clinics throughout Japan and Korea. Dr. Breuner then spent a year working in Pakistan caring for Afghan refugees where she taught soldiers to be medics in their military and local communities.

She returned to the University of Washington and Seattle Childrens Hospital in 2000. She joined the faculty of the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine department in 2007. She is the current director of the Adolescent Eating Disorder Clinic, and is also the director of the Adolescent Biofeedback Clinic.