Jaundice in Newborns

Jaundice is the yellow color seen in the skin of many newborns.

It happens when a chemical called bilirubin builds up in the baby's blood.

Jaundice can occur in babies of any race or color. The skin of a baby with jaundice usually appears yellow.

The best way to see jaundice is in good light, such as daylight or under fluorescent lights. Jaundice usually appears first in the face and then moves to the chest, abdomen, arms, and legs as the bilirubin level increases.

Most babies have mild jaundice that is harmless; but in unusual situations the bilirubin can reach dangerously high levels and might cause brain damage.

This is why newborns should be checked carefully for jaundice and treated immediately to prevent a high bilirubin level.

Join us as special guest Dr. Kristi Watterberg shares important information about jaundice and how you can make sure your baby is not at risk.
Jaundice in Newborns
Dr. Kristi Watterberg, MD
Watterberg 4-2013Dr. Kristi Watterberg is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of New Mexico.She served as Chief of the Division of Neonatology from 2006 – 2011, and is now the Director of the UNM Signature Program in Child Health Research. Dr. Watterberg has received federal funding for observational and interventional studies exploring the relationships between prenatal and postnatal inflammation, adrenal function and the development of BPD. Dr. Watterberg is the Principal Investigator at New Mexico for the NICHD Neonatal Research Network, which has multiple ongoing observational and interventional studies. She was a member of the Committee on Fetus and Newborn of the American Academy of Pediatrics from 2006 – 2012, and is the incoming chair of the Committee as of July 2013. Dr. Watterberg is an author on more than 60 peer-reviewed publications, serves on NIH peer review panels, and is a member of the Society for Pediatric Research and the American Pediatric Society