Selected Podcast

Hidden Poisons: The Laundry Room

How long has it been since you went through your house looking for poisons that your toddler could get into?

Have you thought about the laundry room?

Those pretty, colorful little packets you buy for convenience could be a real source of poison in your home.

Kids might think they look pretty, even like candy... but they can kill just as easily as if your child drank cleaning solution.

Special guest, Dr. Melissa Arca, shares safety advice for detergent packets and other hidden sources of poison around your home.

Remember, it's all about the health and safety of your children.
Hidden Poisons: The Laundry Room
Dr. Melissa Arca, MD
melissa ArcaDr. Melissa Arca is a pediatrician, mom of two, blogger, writer, and child advocate. She is dedicated to promoting the health of all children and their families. In addition to writing a parenting/children's health column for her local newspaper, she also blogs at Confessions of a Dr. Mom and is an official spokesperson for the AAP.