Selected Podcast

Pediatrician’s Top Tips for Raising Twins

You just found out you're having twins! What do you do now?

Having twins (or other multiples, such as triplets) means much more than simply having two babies at once. This challenge goes beyond having two or three times the work or pleasure.

Twins and other multiples are often born early and therefore tend to be smaller than the average newborn; so you may need to consult your pediatrician even more frequently than you would with a single baby.

Feeding twins, whether by breast or bottle, also requires some special strategies. Your doctor can provide advice and support in regards to this.

There may be added financial pressures upon the family as well, spending a lot more money on diapers, clothing, food, car seats, and dozens of other items–and perhaps needing a larger family car or even a larger home.

Special guest, Dr. Shelly Flais, MD, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss all the concerns surrounding having twins and how you can navigate the seemingly complicated situation that is going to be so much greater than you can imagine.
Pediatrician’s Top Tips for Raising Twins
Dr. Shelly Flais, MD
shelly flais resizedShelly Flais, MD is the author of the American Academy of Pediatrics book Raising Twins, From Pregnancy to Preschool– Advice from a Pediatrician Mom of Twins. She is a board-certified pediatrician and mother of four, including identical twin boys. Dr. Flais is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and promotes a realistic approach to parenting, based on her experience raising her four children, all born within the span of four years. A practicing pediatrician in the Chicago area, she is an Instructor of Clinical Pediatrics with Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. In addition to her AAP book, Dr. Flais served as a contributor for the 2013 AAP book Sleep: What Every Parent Needs to Know.