Selected Podcast

Should You Feed Your Children Organic Food?

The nutritional choices you make for your children are crucial, setting the stage for good health and good habits for years to come.

If you've heard about the benefits of organic food, you may be wondering if it's worth the extra expense... especially if you're on a budget.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which recently weighed in on the subject of organic food for the first time, what is most important is that children eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free dairy products; whether or not those are conventionally or organically grown.

Organic foods do have lower levels of pesticides and drug-resistant bacteria, says Dr. Thomas K. McInerny, president of the AAP. "That may be important for kids because young children are more vulnerable to chemicals, but we simply don't have the scientific evidence to know if the difference will affect a person's health over a lifetime."

No matter the size of your budget, you can do your kids a world of good by ensuring they get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Special guest, Dr. Clara Filice, MD, discusses whether or not you should feed your family organic foods; and if not all organic, which ones are important to at least try to incorporate into their diets.
Should You Feed Your Children Organic Food?
Dr. Clara Filice, MD
Filice Photo2Clara Filice, MD, MPH, MHS, FAAP, is Pediatric Environmental Health and Food Policy Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics Department of Federal Affairs. Previously, Dr. Filice was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar and completed a Master of Health Science degree focused on health services research and public health policy at the Yale School of Medicine. She was a legislative aide for health and social policy to U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan in Washington, DC, before attending medical school at Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago where she concurrently earned her MD and a Master of Public Health degree. She completed her pediatric internship and residency at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago and is a practicing pediatric hospitalist at Children's National Medical Center.