Selected Podcast

From Formula to First Foods

Just as pregnancy taught you to think in weeks instead of months, bottle-feeding your baby will require you to think in ounces and adopt it as your standard unit of measurement.

Infant formulas generally come as ready-to-feed liquid, concentrated liquid, and powder. It's important to know the difference, so you can determine which you'll need for formula success.

The type that is going to work best for you is likely to depend on how much formula you plan to use, where you plan to use it (ready-to-feed is definitely very convenient when you're out and about), and how much you want to spend.

In this segment of Healthy Children, Dr. Steven Abrams and Melanie Cole, MS, discuss the basics of formula feeding, as well as the proper way to introduce first foods to your baby.
From Formula to First Foods
Steven Abrams, MD
abramsphotos resizedSteven Abrams is a neonatologist at Texas Children's Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine and the Children's Nutrition Research Center in Houston, TX. Currently he is a member of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and the AAP committee. Recently he was a member of the Institute of Medicine's Panel to revise the Dietary Reference intake recommendations for calcium and Vitamin D. He has been awarded Faculty Excellence Awards in Teaching and in Educational Leadership at Baylor College of Medicine. His research focuses on mineral requirements in children.