Selected Podcast

Encouraging Sibling Bonds: A Guide for Parents

Nearly every parent with more than one child has experienced the frustration of sibling rivalry.

Despite your best attempts to keep harmony in the family, brothers and sisters will fight over toys, tattle on one another, argue, tease, criticize or become physically abusive. You may ask yourself, "What have I done wrong? Why can't our household be peaceful?"

As annoying and upsetting as this rivalry can be, it is quite normal. Some jealousy and friction between siblings is a part of growing up, although it can be worse in some families than in others.

There are some things you can do, however, to reduce the conflict that arises between siblings.

For instance, It is often best to let them work out their differences as long as they do so calmly. Be sure to give them their personal space and be consistent when disciplining in order to avoid feelings of favoritism.

Special guest from the AAP, Dr. David Hill, MD, shares his best advice on sibling rivalry and gives you tips on how you can keep the calm in your house.
Encouraging Sibling Bonds: A Guide for Parents
David Hill, MD
david hill 2013Dr. David Hill is Vice President of Cape Fear Pediatrics in Wilmington, NC, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UNC Medical School. He serves on the executive committees of the North Carolina Pediatric Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics Council On Communications and the Media. In addition to writing a monthly column for Wilmington Parent Magazine, Dr. Hill writes and records for multiple websites including as,, and He has three children, ages 6, 9, and 11.