Winter is Coming: Time to Burn Calories

The leaves are falling and snow is coming. Don't dread the chores, use them as your free personal trainer.
The leaves are falling, and snow is coming.

You may dread the sound of those words.

But instead, why not delight in them?

Why not see the change in seasons as an opportunity to workout for free, while making your home area clean and tidy?

Shoveling snow and raking leaves is a great form of exercise, making use of many of your muscle groups. Other activities, such as winterizing your home and yard also are great calorie burners.

The next thing you know, you've gotten in shape.

Richard Cotton, MS, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss all the ways you can use the coming months as a venue for improving your health, fitness and overall wellness.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1344tb2c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Richard Cotton, MS
  • Guest Bio: Richard Cotton new resizedAs the national director of certification programs, Cotton oversees ACSM's strategic development of certification programs and projects and will further ACSM's reputation as the Gold Standard in certification. Since 1975, ACSM has certified more than 25,000 health and fitness professionals. Cotton served as a regional certification director for the College since 1984.

    Cotton has worked in the health and fitness industry for 30 years and holds ACSM Preventive and Rehabilitative Program Director and ACSM Exercise Specialist certifications

    Cotton is also a personal wellness coach, assessing individual health and fitness needs and helping his clients to develop goals and objectives for achieving optimum fitness. Prior to joining ACSM, Cotton served as chief exercise physiologist for, a website dedicated to improving fitness for individuals and corporations. For the American Council on Exercise, he was chief exercise physiologist and vice president for publications.

    Cotton holds a master's degree in physical education/exercise physiology from San Diego State University. He is a frequent expert source for the media, having contributed to many publications, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS