Selected Podcast

Teens and Smoking: Is Hookah Safer than Cigarettes?

?Children are especially susceptible to smoking experimentation and initiation, with more than 3,800 children smoking their first cigarette between the ages of 12 and 17.

A new type of smoking that has been gaining popularity is hookah smoking.

Hookah pipes have been showing up at parties and in restaurants, and teens are finding it an attractive alternative to cigarettes.

However, studies show it can be just as dangerous and addictive as cigarettes.

In this segment, Dr. Linda Reid-Chassiakos discusses ways to keep your teen from smoking a hookah, as well as how you can keep them on the path to healthy habits.
Teens and Smoking: Is Hookah Safer than Cigarettes?
Linda Reid-Chassiakos, MD
Linda reid chassiaskosYolanda (Linda) Reid Chassiakos is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA. A graduate of the Georgetown University School of Medicine, she is the Director of the Klotz Student Health Center at California State University Northridge, and a founding member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Media Resource Team.