Selected Podcast

Sustainable Support: Helping Those in Need

You see people on TV helping out at disaster sites and may think to yourself, "I wish I could help out like that."

Perhaps you can't go to the area in need, but you still want to help out in your own way.

What is the best way for people in the U.S. (or other developed nations) to help in disaster situations?

So many good-hearted people send money or are part of a project that gives aid to people in crisis.

Those efforts are great, but they may not necessarily last.

How can Americans best review charities they are considering supporting? The concept of "sustainable support" is truly critical in some of these devastated nations and even here in our own country, but where do you even start?

Special guest, Dr. Elizabeth Murray, MD, joined a team that works to train Haitians and pays them for their work.

But before going, she struggled with the idea of spending so much time and effort helping those in another country when she sees first hand, at work, the desperate circumstances so many American children face.

However, when you realize that those children in other countries don't have the basics of shelter, clean water, and sanitation, you realize that they don't have a fighting chance.

We need to at least ensure people have basic necessities before we can expect them to advance as a society.

Discover how Dr. Murray joined the fight for a better world and how you can get involved and help those in need.

We can all make all the world a better place.
Sustainable Support: Helping Those in Need
Elizabeth Murray, MD
Murray Elizabeth DO 72webDr. Murray is a Physician specializing in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Upstate, NY. She graduated from Skidmore College with a BA in Economics and then, prior to medical school, she earned an MBA at the University of Rochester's Simon School of Business Administration. Upon completing her Residency training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, she returned to her hometown of Rochester to complete her Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Strong Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Murray holds a dual appointments to both the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and the Division of Pre-hospital Medicine at the University of Rochester. Additionally, she holds an appointment as Deputy Emergency Medical Services Medical Director for Monroe County and serves on the Regional EMS Council as the Pediatric Content Expert.

In 2013, Dr. Murray joined the Board of the Rochester Childfirst Network, an agency committed to providing high quality, early education to the children of Rochester. She is a member of the AAP's Council on Communications and the Media and has previously written for their blog. In addition, she serves as a Spokesperson for the AAP.