Advice for Parents Facing an Autism Diagnosis

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain-based disorder that affects a child's behavioral, communication and social skills. ?

Because most children with ASD will master early motor skills such as sitting, crawling, and walking on time, parents may not initially notice delays in social and communication skills.

Looking back post-diagnosis, many parents can recall early differences in interaction and communication.

Parents who receive a diagnosis of autism in their child face a daunting set of questions. It is vital that parents understand what they can do to help promote a smooth transition from adolescence through the teen years and into adulthood.

In this segment, Dr. Susan Levy answers a myriad of parents' questions about autism spectrum disorders.
Advice for Parents Facing an Autism Diagnosis
Susan E Levy, MD, MPH
Levy SusanRGB-13 resizedSusan E. Levy, M.D., is a board certified pediatrician, with certification in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. She is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Acting Chief for the Division of Child Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Her clinical activities include attending physician in Developmental Pediatrics and Founder and Director of the Regional Autism Clinic at CHOP. She is a member of the Center for Autism Research (CAR) of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and is involved in research involving early identification of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), epidemiology of ASD and Complementary and Alternative Medical treatments of ASD. Dr. Levy is active in policy and advocacy on a local, regional and national level. She is a member of the Executive Board for the Council on Children with Disabilities of the AAP and a contributor to the Autism Toolkit.