Is Obesity Really a Disease?

Should obesity be considered a disease and therefore treated by doctors as one?
According to new guidelines released by the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and the Obesity Society in November 2013, doctors should consider obesity a disease and more actively treat obese patients for weight loss.

The guidelines reflect the latest information that scientists have gathered about utilizing weight loss to prevent heart disease and stroke, the nation's #1 and #4 killers, respectively.

The health problems caused by obesity have dramatically increased visits to doctors, as well as the onset of many other diseases directly related.

Included in the new guideline is a first-of-its-kind road map to help patients lose weight and keep it off. Exercise is one form of "medicine" which experts believe can help you become leaner and healthier.

Dr. Michele Olson of the American College of Sports Medicine shares effective ways to address the growing problem of obesity, as well as tips for getting you to your best, healthiest self.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1418tb2c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Michele Olson, PhD, FACSM, CSCS
  • Guest Bio: OLSON-HeadShot 13 resizedMichele Olson is a Professor of Exercise Physiology in the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science at Auburn University Montgomery (AUM). Known internationally as THE Exercise Doctor, since coming to AUM, Dr. Olson has directed numerous research studies resulting in over 90 publications in peer-reviewed professional journals.

    Dr. Olson is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine for outstanding service to research and is also an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She heads the NSCA-ERP Exercise Science Program at AUM and well as being the director of the Scharff-Olson Kinesiology Laboratory.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS