Calming the Storm: How to Help a Distressed Toddler

Toddlers certainly add excitement to your life, don’t they?

One minute they’re on top of the world, singing and dancing across the living room.

Before you know it, they've become a pile of tears on the kitchen floor.

At that age, kids can often seem like a ticking emotional time bomb. You're never quite sure what will set them off.

When your child is distressed, you may feel helpless, frustrated or even angry.

It's OK... all parents go through it.

So, calm down and take a big breath. Special guest, Dr. Melissa Arca has some great solutions for you to help your distressed little one get through a rough day.
Calming the Storm: How to Help a Distressed Toddler
Melissa Arca, MD
Arca30Dr. Melissa Arca is a board certified pediatrician, mom of two, blogger, and child advocate. She blogs at Confessions of a Dr. Mom where her two worlds of doctor and mom collide. She works with Kaiser Permanente in Roseville and believes in the power of social media in bridging the gap between health care providers and families as a way to connect and engage in order to optimize child health and parental education.

In addition to her blog, you can find her on Facebook ( and Twitter (@Melissa_DrMom)