Selected Podcast

Contraception: Time to Protect Your Adolescent & Teen

Over the past 10 years, a number of new contraceptive methods have become available.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) continues to review and update its recommendations on contraceptive methods to provide pediatricians with the information they need in order to counsel and prescribe contraception for adolescents.

Regardless of which method of contraception is chosen, your pediatrician should stress that all methods of hormonal birth control are safer than pregnancy.

Unintended pregnancy is a serious adolescent morbidity, and use of effective contraception is one of the pillars of adolescent pregnancy prevention.

Each year, approximately 750,000 adolescent girls become pregnant, and 82% of these pregnancies are unplanned.

Although abstinence is the number one choice for birth control, pills, patches and shots are all effective.

Listen in as Dr. Mary Ott discusses the importance of communication with your child and the many forms of contraception that are available and safe.
Contraception: Time to Protect Your Adolescent & Teen
Mary Ott, MD
Ott Mary A MD MA 2012 Fairbanks resizedDr. Mary A. Ott, MD, MA, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in the Section of Adolescent Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Ott provides sub-specialty adolescent care at Riley Hospital for Children and adolescent primary care at Eskenazi Health, and HealthNet in Indianapolis. Dr. Ott specializes in adolescent pregnancy and STI prevention, and ethical issues related to vulnerable populations and sensitive issues. Dr. Ott consults on adolescent health policies and programs both locally and nationally. She is a member of the AAP Section on Adolescent Health and the executive committee of the AAP Section on Bioethics.