Home First Aid Kits: Do You Have All You Need?

You know you have a first aid kit, but is it up-to-date? And, do you know the best way to use it?

Band-aids, antiseptic wipes and burn creams are included in most first aid kits, but is that enough?

It seems children are always in need of first aid; relieving pain and preventing infections are first priority.

Fortunately, most minor injuries are simple to treat... so simple, in fact, that you can find all of the materials that you need in a well-stocked first aid kit.

Listen in as Dr. Elizabeth Murray discusses the necessary items for your first aid kit so you can aid your child effectively when he's found that prickly bush or hot stove-top.
Home First Aid Kits: Do You Have All You Need?
Elizabeth Murray, MD
Murray Elizabeth DO 72webDr. Elizabeth Murray is a Physician specializing in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center.  She graduated from Skidmore College with a BA in Economics and then, prior to medical school, she earned an MBA at the University of Rochester’s Simon School of Business Administration.  Upon completing her Residency training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, she returned to her hometown of Rochester to complete her Fellowship at Strong Memorial Hospital.  She holds an appointment as Deputy Emergency Medical Services Medical Director for Monroe County and serves on the Regional EMS Council.  Starting in November, 2013, Dr. Murray will also see patients in the REACH Clinic at the Bivona Child Advocacy Center