Transitioning to Back-to-School Mode

After a few months of play, it might be time to get your children in the mindset of going back to school.

Helping your child get back into the swing of school can help influence a positive attitude, confidence, and excitement about learning and socializing. However, the transition can be difficult, even for the kids eager to go back.

Katherine Roberts, MD, joins host Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how to help your child get into back-to-school mode.
Transitioning to Back-to-School Mode
Katherine Roberts, MD
Katherine RobertsDr. Katherine Roberts is a pediatrician in Orange County, California, and serves as a national media representative for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

She is active in state and local legislative efforts surrounding the health of children, and serves on the board of directors for the local branch of American Academy of Pediatrics for Orange County.

She hopes that through media and legislation she can help improve the health of children on a broad scale