Selected Podcast

Reconnecting with Your Kids

Do you ever feel like you aren’t connected with your kids? Maybe they seem to push you away. How can you reconnect?

It’s important to keep communication lines open. You never know when they will need you. Let them know you’re there for them if they need to vent. Ask about school, friends, activities and feedback about the family.

Make a point to have one-on-one time with each child. Take opportunities with each child to stay connected. Put down your device when you check in so your kids know they are worthy of your time.

Your teens may push away. They still need you and may feel hurt if you stop trying to connect. Even though they may resist, keep checking in and showing that you care. Take advantage of the five or ten minutes you get.

Assure your individual children that you love them. Give them space to grow but remind them that you are there to talk any time.

Listen as Dr. Corinn Cross joins Melanie Cole, MS with tips for reconnecting with your children.
Reconnecting with Your Kids
Corinn Cross, MD
Dr. Cori Cross 2017Dr. Corinn Cross was born and raised in New Jersey. She attended Barnard College where she graduated cum laude and majored in philosophy. She went on to attend the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, NJ, where she was selected for the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. Dr. Cross did her internship and residency in pediatrics at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Cross has continued to work at CHLA as a general pediatrics attending.

Dr. Cross is actively involved in her local AAP, Chapter 2, where she is an obesity champion. She is co-founder of the Fit to Play and Learn Obesity Prevention curriculum. Through a collaboration between AAP Chapter 2 and the L.A. Unified School District this curriculum is being used to educate at-risk students and their parents on the risks of obesity and to help them to lead healthier lives. Dr. Cross is an AAP Spokesperson and speaks to children throughout the L.A. school district about obesity, healthy lifestyles and the benefits of walking to school.

Dr. Cross is a member of the Executive Board for the AAP's Council on Communications and Media. She is the Editor of the Council on Communications and Media's blog.