10 Characteristics of Perfectly Hidden Depression

There are people who inwardly struggle with depression, at times severe depression. But, others would never guess that they were.
There are people who inwardly struggle with depression, at times severe depression. But, others would never guess that they were. They can act both intentionally, but also unconsciously, to deny and avoid pain or suffering. And, they do it quite well. In fact, perfectly.

But what’s a syndrome?

Here’s what the dictionary offers: “Pathology, Psychiatry. a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease, or the like.”

In perfectly hidden depression (PHD), it’s a set of behaviors, thought patterns, and emotions (or lack thereof) that are often found together in someone. If you see one, you may be likely to see the other. Like red hair and freckles. Or salt and pepper.

Here are ten characteristics. They’re not all present in every person who might recognize themselves in PHD. But they’re fairly consistent.

1) Perfectionism with a constant, critical inner voice
2) Heightened or excessive sense of responsibility
3) Difficulty with accepting and expressing painful emotions
4) Worry/Need for control over herself and her environment
5) Intense focus on tasks, using accomplishment as a way to feel vulnerable
6) Active concern about the well-being of others, while not allowing anyone into his inner world
7) Discounts or dismisses hurt or abuse from the past or present
8) Accompanying mental health issues, involving control or escape from anxiety
9) A strong belief in counting your blessings as the foundation of well being
10) Intimate relationships may be difficult, but are accompanied by professional success

Listen as Margaret Rutherford, PhD, joins host Lisa Davis to discuss PHD. 

You can also read Dr. Rutherford's complete blog on this topic by clicking HERE.

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Marriage Is Not For Chickens

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: talk_healthy/tt116.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Margaret Rutherford, PhD
  • Book Title: Marriage Is Not For Chickens
  • Guest Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/DrMargaretRutherford/
  • Guest Twitter Account: @doctor_margaret
  • Guest Bio: Margaret-RutherfordDr. Margaret Rutherford is a clinical psychologist, who has practiced for over 20 years in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

    Since 2012, her work has been found on her own website, where her eBook, Seven Commandments of Good Therapy, is available for free download. Her perfect gift book of anniversaries,wedding or engagements, Marriage Is Not For Chickens, is a feisty and poignant look at what marriage is, and what it definitely is not.

    She's the current mental health columnist for Midlife Boulevard, hosts a regular FB Live video session on depression for The Mighty, and has recently launched a podcast, SelfWork with Dr. Margaret Rutherford, where you can listen to her direct and down-to-earth advice.

    Her expertise can also be found on Huffington Post, The Gottman Blog, Reader's Digest, Prevention, Family Share and Psychology Today.
  • Length (mins): 28:28
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Lisa Davis