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Encore Episode: Flu Shots: The Scoop for the Season

While many elements of your youth have gone away over time, the flu has stuck it out. The best way to try to avoid a flu outbreak in your home is by getting everyone vaccinated.

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This season’s vaccine is only available through injection. This year’s strains are the most likely candidates based on last flu season and world health trends. Your vaccine will contain three or four strains.

Everyone over age six should receive the vaccine. This protects you and those around you who may be at higher risk, like the elderly, children five and under, and those with chronic illness.

It’s best to get your flu shot in October because flu season usually runs from December to February. It’s not too late to get your vaccine now.

Children between six months and eight years of age are recommended to have two doses for their first flu vaccination. The first dose primes the body to create antibodies. The booster is administered about 20 days later.

Flu symptoms leave you feeling crummy. Sore muscles, tiredness, diarrhea and fever are signs it’s more than a cold.

Listen as Dr. H. Dele Davies joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share what you need to know about flu shots and other booster vaccinations.

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Fight colds and flu with Hydralyte. Rapid and complete hydration, suitable for all ages and doctor recommended. Use code “hydrakid” to save 30%
Encore Episode: Flu Shots: The Scoop for the Season
H. Dele Davies, MD
Dr. H. Dele DavisH. Dele Davies, MD, is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric infectious diseases and a leader in community health.

As senior vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean for graduate studies, Dr. Davies is charged with enhancing UNMC's academic focus and continuing the momentum of UNMC's strong educational enterprise. He has been leading or overseeing the development of several educational initiatives since his arrival at UNMC including the development of a campus wide interactive eLearning program, the faculty component of the iEXCEL program, the new Interdisciplinary Academy of Educators and the Digital Campus initiative.

Davies has a strong record of faculty and student mentorship, and a passion for community health. During his previous tenure at Michigan State University, he created a Children's Health Initiative to improve care for children in the community through collaborative efforts.

Dr. Davies has served on many national committees including the study section for the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that reviews training grants, on the scientific counselor’s board for the National Centers for Infectious Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and as secretary-treasurer of the Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs. He is also a current member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Finance committee.

He received his medical degree and a master’s degree of science in epidemiology from the University of Toronto and a master’s degree of science in health care management from the Harvard School of Public Health. He completed training in pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

Davies served as chairman of pediatrics and human development from 2003 to 2012 at Michigan State University. From 1993 to 2002, he was a faculty member and chairman of the child health research group at the University of Calgary and director of the child health research unit at Alberta Children’s Hospital.

Among his numerous prestigious awards are the William B. Weil Jr. Endowed Distinguished Pediatric Faculty Award of the College of Human Medicine at MSU and twice being honored with the Mo-Watanabe Distinguished Faculty Award at the University of Calgary. He has been named among the Best Doctors in America for several consecutive years and has received several teaching awards.

Dr. Davies has more than 175 publications in peer-reviewed journals in addition to other scholarly works and presentations at national and international meetings.