Reverse Heart Disease with Super Antioxidant MitoQ

Mitochondria and heart health can be improved with antioxidants.
About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States annually. It is the leading cause of death for men and women.

A nutriceutical could play an important role in preventing heart disease. MitoQ is an antioxidant that gets mitochondria to function properly.

When mitochondria are depleted of antioxidants, they don’t work as well. They also spill free radicals into the cell. Cellular function and repair are inhibited. Mitochondrial function affects every part of health.

MitoQ improves vascular health.

Listen as Greg Macpherson, CEO of MitoQ, joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss how MitoQ works.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl353.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Greg Macpherson, CEO of MitoQ
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @Mito_Q
  • Guest Bio: Greg-MacphersonGreg Macpherson is Chief Executive Officer of MitoQ Ltd. He completed a Bachelor of Pharmacy at University of Otago School of Medicine in 1992. Subsequently he has been owner and director of a number of start-up businesses that include New Zealand’s largest residential care services pharmacy, NZ’s first robotic dispensing laboratory, a pharmaceutical wholesaling company and a software development company. He has been a partner and board member of a pharmacy chain associated with one of NZ’s leading retailers. Currently he is a shareholder and director of Pharmacy Direct, NZ’s leading online pharmacy and is CEO at MitoQ Ltd.
  • Length (mins): 30:16
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC