Wellness for Abuse Survivors

Healing from past trauma can support physical wellness.
Adverse childhood experiences contribute to likelihood of chronic illnesses in adults. Any kind of abuse of children and adults can weaken the immune system.

Healing from past trauma helps end a cycle of abuse. Your body remembers the trauma, even if you push the emotions down. Unaddressed, those negative experiences and emotions inhibit healthy cell growth.

Listen as Dr. Meg Haworth joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss how to recover from your trauma and support your body’s healing.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl390.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Meg Haworth, PhD
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/coachdrmeghaworth
  • Guest Twitter Account: @drmeghaworth
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Meg HaworthAs a survivor of sexual abuse, drowning, being struck by lightning, and healing over a dozen illnesses including fibromyalgia, Dr. Meg Haworth knows what it takes to overcome life's biggest challenges and has helped thousands of others do the same over more than two decades. 

    She is the founder of Lightning Women; Overcoming The Wounds of Sexual, Physical & Emotional Abuse, a movement for women who suffered abuse as children and now have a chronic illness. This link has been confirmed by science through the ACE Study quiz available on her website. 

    She is a bestselling author of Get Well Now, speaker, and nutritional celebrity chef. She has been featured on NBC Nightly News, The Los Angeles Times, and The Huffington Post and offers total wellness solutions from food plans to her Whole Person Integration Technique, multiple books in cooking & personal development, a podcast series on iTunes, online programs, private sessions and wellness coaching.
  • Length (mins): 24:55
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC