Selected Podcast

Dating & Sex Talk With Your Teens

Approaching the dating & sex talk with our kids is difficult. What age is appropriate, what words to use, and what do they actually know already from being online?! Well, Dr. Gary Kirkilas is here to help us out. He is a pediatrician in Phoenix, Arizona with a unique mobile practice, as well as a spokesperson for the AAP.

He'll tell us how to talk about pregnancy, babies, good & bad touch, terminology, and more, to help you get the conversations going within your own families.

Dating & Sex Talk With Your Teens
Dr. Gary Kirkilas

Dr. Gary Kirkilas is a pediatrician in Phoenix, Arizona with a unique practice. His office is a 40 foot medical R.V. that travels from shelter to shelter providing free care to the Phoenix homeless youth population. Gary’s passion for providing care to the underserved first started after spending a month in Oaxaca, Mexico with CFHI’s Cultural Crossroad program in 2005. Since then he was the 2006 CFHI Alumni Grant recipient where he created an Alcohol and Sex Education curriculum in a rural village in Oaxaca. He later served as a student liaison for the Cultural Crossroads program in Oaxaca in 2007.