Selected Podcast

Beware Teen Dating Violence

Dating can be thrilling for teens. However, some young relationships can become violent.

As teens try to figure out how the world works, they may endure emotional, mental, and physical abuse in the name of “love.”

Red flags can include social media control, sexting stalking, cyberbullying, and bruises

Open conversation with your child to find out who is being texted and how young relationships are going. Don’t pass judgment but ask questions and listen. You have to be an ally if your teen needs help leaving a bad relationship.

Call 1-800-SAFE or text Love Is Respect at 22522 for help.

Listen as Dr. David Hill joins Melanie Cole, MS to discuss teen dating violence in this encore episode from February 2019.
Beware Teen Dating Violence
David Hill, MD

Dr. David Hill is Vice President of Cape Fear Pediatrics in Wilmington, NC, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UNC Medical School.

He serves on the executive committees of the North Carolina Pediatric Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics Council On Communications and the Media.

In addition to writing a monthly column for Wilmington Parent Magazine, Dr. Hill writes and records for multiple websites including,, and He has three children, ages six, nine, and 11.