Selected Podcast

Holiday Stress & Your Child

The holidays are a fun and joyous time, but also a very busy one, and holiday stress and anxiety in children is a common occurrence.

During the holidays, there are lots of fun activities and events going on, both at home and at school. And while that can be a good thing, the reality is that all that hustle and bustle means schedules are often out of whack, bedtimes get pushed back, and routines are disrupted.

As a result, it’s inevitable that kids may feel some degree of holiday stress.
Holiday Stress & Your Child
Dr. Cora Collette Breuner, MD
BreunerCorapix2012.jpgDr. Breuner attended Medical School in Philadelphia at Jefferson Medical College with a Residency in San Diego at the Balboa Naval Hospital. She served as a transitional intern, consisting of 6 months internal medicine followed by 6 months of surgery training. Following this Dr Breuner was the general medical officer on the destroyer tender, USS Acadia, homeported in San Diego. She entered a 3-year pediatric residency, serving as Chief Resident the final year. She spent the next two years as a general pediatrician in Japan, where she volunteered as a pediatric consultant in Navy clinics throughout Japan and Korea.   Dr. Breuner then spent a year working in Pakistan caring for Afghan refugees where she taught soldiers to be medics in their military and local communities.

She has many publications on the safety and efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine. She serves on the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescent and writes board review questions for the American Academy of Pediatrics PREP series.