Selected Podcast

Preventing Gun Injuries in Children

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is renewing its call to reduce the destructive effects of guns in the lives of children and adolescents, including counseling parents about safe gun storage as well as supporting legislation to prevent firearm injuries and deaths.
Preventing Gun Injuries in Children
Dr. Denise Dowd, MD
dowd d05Dr.Denise Dowd is a practicing pediatric emergency medicine physician and director of research for the Division of Emergency and Urgent Care at the Children's Mercy Hospitals in Kansas City, Missouri.
She is long time volunteer with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and  the primary author of the AAP's firearm injury prevention policy statement published in October of 2012.
Her career in hospital medicine has spanned 35 years starting as a nurse in the urban core of Detroit.