Selected Podcast

Healthy Hearts in Children

American children and adolescents, on average, eat more saturated fat and have higher blood cholesterol levels than young people their age in most other developed countries.

The rate of heart disease tends to keep pace with cholesterol levels.

Parents need to know how to help their children prevent heart disease while they're young, to help them lead a healthy, heart disease free life.
Healthy Hearts in Children
Dr. Sarah DeFerranti, MD
Sarah de Ferranti 2012Sarah de Ferranti, MD MPH, is Assistant Professor of Pediatric Cardiology at Harvard Medical School and The
Director, Preventive Cardiology at Boston Children's Hospital.

Sarah de Ferranti trained as a pediatric cardiologist at Children's Hospital Boston, joining the staff in 2003 and becoming the Director of the Preventive Cardiology Program in 2005, where she sees patients for elevated blood pressure and cholesterol issues. Her research interests include the effect of diet, supplements and pharmacotherapy on cardiovascular risk factors in overweight children with hypertension, childhood obesity, the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Most recent projects include assessing and improving lipid screening and initial treatment in the primary care setting