
Why School Attendance is Important

Featuring: Heidi Schumacher, MD FAAP
Now that our kids are back to in-person schooling, some of them don't always wanna go.

Anxiety, Depression and Eating Disorders in Teens

Featuring: Dr. Katherine Williamson
Today we're talking about anxiety, depression and how that manifests physically in eating disorders.

Is Your Child Lagging Behind in School?

Featuring: Laura McGuinn, MD, FAAP
If your child is having trouble at school, your pediatrician may be able to help.

Updated Recommendations on Breastfeeding

Featuring: Dr. Lauren Crosby
The AAP released updated recommendations on breastfeeding a few months ago, which have been a bit controversial.

Safe Gun Storage & Preventing Gun Violence

Featuring: Dr. Lois Lee
This is not a discussion any parent wants to have with their kids. We don't even wanna think about it but think about it we must.

The Power of Play

Featuring: Michael Yogman, MD, FAAP
Play is important to child development.

Ensuring Access to Reproductive Healthcare for Teens

Featuring: Elise Berlan, MD, MPH
Pediatricians around the country are voicing concern over federal and state actions that could threaten the medical rights and safety of teenagers seeking reproductive healthcare.

Mentally Preparing For Big Crowds & Classrooms

Featuring: Dr. Emily Frank
After spending so much time at home these last few years, and doing school online, some children may not be excited to go back to the classroom. And we know anxiety and depression have been on the rise in young people as well. So how can we get our kids eased back into the old ways of socialization and in-person school?

Adjusting Your Schedules for Back to School

Featuring: Dr. Emily Frank
All summer long, your children most likely have been staying up all night, sleeping in, and have lost track of any type of schedule.

Grandfamilies: Grandparents Raising Children

Featuring: Andrew Adesman, MD
Grandparents step into parents' shoes when necessary. Grandfamilies are presented with unique challenges.
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