
Eye Trauma In Teenage Sports on the Rise

Featuring: Dr. Peter Kriz, MD
Every year, some 33,000 young athletes injure their eyes participating in sports.

A Dangerous Flu Season for Children

Featuring: Dr Hank Bernstein, MD
Do your children need a flu vaccine? This year, maybe more than ever...

Is Your Child Overweight? There is Help

Featuring: Dr. Sandra Hassink, MD
The AAP's Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight translates emerging science into practical tools to help you, help your child.

Childhood Obesity: Common Misconceptions

Featuring: Dr. Sandra Hassink, MD
Learn the important healthy steps parents can take if their child is overweight or obese. We give you the tools you need to take control of your family's health.

Infant Nutrition: Your Questions on Breast Feeding & Formula

Featuring: Dr. Robert Mendelson, MD
You’ve probably heard it before: “Breast is best.” But is it really? We share the best information on feeding your newborn.

How to Choose Your Baby's First Foods

Featuring: Dr. Robert Mendelson, MD
Rice, oatmeal, or barley? What infant cereal or other food will be on the menu for your baby’s first solid meal? And have you set a date?

The Scoop on Poop: Your Guide to Your Newborn's Habits

Featuring: Dr. Robert Mendelson, MD
Is it supposed to be green? Is that what diaper rash looks like?  We give you the scoop on your newborn's poop and pee.

Getting Your Baby to Sleep

Featuring: Dr. Robert Mendelson, MD
What's the best way to get your child to go to sleep? Are you going to sleep train your baby? Is it ok to let them cry it out?

How To Stimulate Your Baby's Brain Development

Featuring: Dr. Robert Mendelson, MD
Can you do anything to help stimulate your baby's brain development? Do baby videos help? Can talking to your infant help them to learn faster?

Are Boys Going Through Puberty Earlier?

Featuring: Dr. Marcia E. Herman-Giddens, MD
Will your son experience puberty six months to two years earlier than you expected? The newest research says yes.
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