Thursday, 09 May 2013 14:22

Managing Epilepsy with the Ketogenic Diet

It has long been thought that diet can help manage Epileptic seizures. But can it really?
Is there a diet that can actually help manage epilepsy?

The idea that a specific way of eating can affect epilepsy was first postulated by Hippocrates, who noticed that fasting could prevent convulsions.

Over the years, the ketogenic diet has taken center stage as the diet of choice for people who suffer from epilepsy - particularly children.

The ketones produced by this diet are able to increase the levels of chemicals that diminish neuron activity, reduce levels of reactive oxygen species and make the brain use energy more efficiently; all resulting in fewer seizures.

Special guest Julia Schopick joins Dr. Mike and discusses the ins and outs of a ketogenic diet in regards to managing epilepsy symptoms.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1319ht4c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Julia Schopick, author
  • Book Title: Honest Medicine
  • Guest Bio: Julia Schopick is the author of Honest Medicine, the bestseller that introduces several effective lifesaving treatments. She also writes the award-winning blog by the same name. Schopick has been a published writer for over 20 years. Her work and essays have been featured in the British Medical Journal, American Medical News, Modern Maturity, Chicago Sun-Times and many others.

    Ms. Schopick’s mission is to use her writing and public relations skills to inform the world about little-known, but promising health treatments through her website and empower people on their health choices.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD