Thursday, 09 May 2013 14:45

Can Vitamin D Relieve Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

New research shows that taking the “sunshine” vitamin can result in fewer MS symptoms.
Could Vitamin D actually help relieve symptoms caused from MS?

Multiple Sclerosis is caused when the immune system attacks the insulating sheath covering your brain cells. The result is a loss of normal electrical conductivity and a myriad of symptoms – ranging from loss of vision, muscle weakness, problems walking and loss of sensation.

Although a few patients (for reasons not fully understood) fare better than the average, most will progressively get worse and become debilitated, experiencing a significant decrease in their quality of life.

If this is you or a family member or friend, start taking vitamin D immediately! New research shows that taking the “sunshine” vitamin can result in fewer MS symptoms.

Join us to learn how you can take control of your MS with vitamin D.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1319ht4e.mp3
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Internal Notes: NO GUEST
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD