Sitting All Day Can Damage Your Health

Find out why sitting in your chair from 9-5 is risky business.
Do you go to the gym before work?

You think that's pretty great, right? And why shouldn't it be?

Well it is a great start. But what if, after that, you go to work only to sit all day?

Being sedentary in your work place could be worse for you than not working out at all!

The good news is that you don't have to sit at your desk all day long.

Join our special guest, Grace DeSimone, as she shares some of the best advice on how can work out at work.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1320tb2a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Grace DeSimone
  • Guest Bio: GraceDeSimone photoGrace DeSimone is the Editor for ACSMs Resource Manual for Group Exercise Instructors (LWW 2011). She is the National Group Fitness Director for Plus One Health Management in NYC and runs an Anti-Aging Training Program for Women at Ethos Fitness & Day Spa in Midland Park, NJ. She has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years and brings a variety of experiences in commercial, corporate and community settings.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS