Selected Podcast

Adversity: Can Sadness & Suffering Make You Stronger?

Bestselling author, Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, believes that adversity is by far the best teacher you will ever encounter. “Adversity is an irreducible fact of life.” 

Running counter to society’s current prevailing message that “excellence” is the key to success and failure or mistakes are to be avoided at all costs, Rosenthal shows that engaging with your own failures and defeats is one of the only ways you are able to live an authentic and meaningful life.

Each different type of adversity carries its own challenges and has the potential to yield its own form of wisdom.

In this segment of HER Radio, Dr. Rosenthal describes how adversity can help you become a better, more resilient person.

Adversity: Can Sadness & Suffering Make You Stronger?
Norman E. Rosenthal, MD
Norm rosenthalDr. Norman E. Rosenthal is the world-renowned psychiatrist and author whose research in describing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) has helped millions of people. His 2011 book Transcendence was a New York Times bestseller, and his latest book, The Gift of Adversity, was released in late August, 2013.